What Problem is Thirst Trap Solving?

Given the rising cost of living in Singapore, eating out has become increasingly expensive. This extends to the prices of alcoholic beverages, which are already more pricey than standard beverages/food options.

  • This is a problem for young working adults in their 20s to 30s, as they tend to be more price-conscious during the earlier phases of their career, but at the same time might want to enjoy drinks out with their friends.
  • There is currently no consolidated page for bars that offer happy hours, where drinks are more affordable and value-for-money.
  • Without such information being readily available, the steep prices could either deter young working adults from social gatherings, or cause them to spend more as they are unaware of where to find more affordable options.

Key Features

  • Summarised information at a glance. One pain point that was raised during the user interviews was that searching for happy hours could be time-consuming, as many establishments did not present information on their happy hour prominently. There would be a need to click through multiple pages, e.g. Instagram, Google Maps, official websites to get information on whether happy hour deals were available. This website targets this pain point by having all the key information presented on a single page, in a concise manner.

  • Filters for different criteria. Through my different conversations, it was clear that each user had their own specific set of priorities in terms of how exactly they shortlisted which bar to patronise. Some common criteria that emerged included timing (e.g. they could only head to the bar after work), location, and price range. These have been included as filters so that users can easily shortlist bars that meet their criteria. Another consideration raised during the interviews was that they would typically factor in independent reviews of the establishment (e.g. Google reviews by other patrons) before deciding whether to try out a bar. Linking this website to Google Reviews/ Google Maps could be something incorporated in a later/more advanced iteration of this website.

Acknowledgements and Credits

Thank you to:

  • The very patient TAs that were willing to entertain my noob questions over the past 4 weeks
  • The GovTech team that painstakingly put together this course
  • My SNSO colleagues for giving me protected time so I could learn how to ~~code
  • Friends and family that gave my suggestions on how to improve this solution along the way
  • CursorAI for being a lifesaver
  • Illustration from Storyset